
Business Plan Secrets You Wont Learn At Harvard Or Yale

Writen by Art Hamel

If you want to buy a business, but don't know how to create a business plan, then this article will show you how to get one done and ready within a few weeks.

Listen: In order to get a good business plan in your hands, you are going to have to do one of two things:

1.) Hire someone to do it for you

2.) Do it yourself

Now, if you hire somebody to write your business plan for you (and this is the ideal way of doing it), it will usually cost you between five or ten thousand dollars.

On the other hand, if you're starting with little or no money of your own, and want to do it yourself, there's a number of programs in the business section of your library that can help you. Most decent libraries will have CDs, books and computer programs you can use to put together a business plan.

Another way to do it yourself -- and this is a little more "unconventional" -- is to simply go online, put "business plan" into a search engine, and you will find dozens of companies that will give you samples of business plans (you can use as "templates") -– 100% free –- because they're trying to sell you financing or something like that.

Whatever the case, if you decide to go out and raise money to buy a business and don't put together a business plan, the chances of you getting the money is zero and none. Luckily, it can be done for little or no money. But the ideal way is to hire someone who's done them before (and has a track record of having created successful business plans) if possible.

Arthur B. Hamel has bought over 200 businesses in the past 50 years, and is a well-known author, consultant, investor, business owner, and dynamic lecturer who has shared the stage with such business greats as Robert Allen of "No Money Down" fame. For the past 20 years Art has taught thousands of people around the world -- even so-called "little guys" with no formal education or money -- how to quickly and easily buy large, multi-million dollar businesses with no credit, banks or prior business experience. He has recently decided to share his unique business-buying secrets and tactics free of charge at: http://arthurhamel.com