
Selling Your Business Entrepreneurs Role

Writen by Jennifer Lynn

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What makes a great sales person? Well, the natural ability to sell defnitely could not hurt. Sales people are a passionate, obviously people oriented, motivated and energetic bunch. An entrepreneur needs to be everything in one. And one key ingredient to molding an entrepreneur is his/her ability is to be a good salesman. Why after all how can run a business if you can't sell your product or service? It obviously makes no sense whatsoever.

An entrepreneur either has to be the salesman or hire a kick ass salesman to help him with the job. Sometimes they cannot be in a position to dish out a big figure salary for whatever factors be it just starting out, saving money and what not. An entrepreneur is then forced to sell and become the top salesman for his team. Factoring their creative knowledge and natural sales abilities would determine whether or not the entrepreneur is a good candidate to make his sales quotas succeed. However, if you want to run a business how can you run such a business when you can't get people interested in your services?

Here are some sales tips from one hardworking entrepreneur to another...

Tip 1. Be Passionate. Sales people are in nature passionate people. From my past experience, the best sales people love what they do. They love talking to the people, negotiating deals, the travel, and whatever else comes with it. When you are passionate about something it shows. When you want something badly enough you can easily attain it. A great salesman has the knack to make a connection, to seal the deal. It's all about reading people, their ability of people skills and their passions. When someone is not passionate it shows. You can just tell that they have no interest in what they are selling or whom they are dealing with. You can notice it by their expressions, their words and their overall dimeanor.

Tip 2. Don't be pushy. I personally, abhor pushy salespeople in business. Good business etiquette involves being polite, well mannered and respectable. No one likes a pesky salesman. No one wants to be stalked, called on twenty times a day, visited at the office on surprise. You begin to act like a telemarketer and look at what America has done to these folk. Why they can now be banned, blocked on our caller id's by calling directory serice. Being pushy is tacky. Being sensibly aggressive in a polite manner is key.

Tip 3. Don't forget you are an entrepreneur. This is a tricky part. You can still be a good salesman but never forget your main role. The role of an entrepreneur. It is easy to get caught up and overbalanced in certain positions for the entrepreneur. You are a multi tasker. You need to be everything at once and as a businessperson your responsibility to be the sole proprietor comes first. Learn to be the salesman and at the same time don't let it all get overbalanced. You will soon find yourself out of whack and scatterred before you know it.

Tip 4. Compete. Selling is a tough thing to do. Selling a service in a world full of competitors will make you or break you. As an entrepreneur you should surround yourself around successful sales professionals. Observe them. Learn from them and learn what makes them tick. In my experience working in a corporate environment and many a conversation with those savvy salespeople, I've learned a lot of great tips. A good salesman is always on top of his game. He is aware of his competition, he is goal oriented, can communicate with people on all levels, is a great talker, people reader and overall a competitive breed. A lot of this should rub off on you. It takes strategic business savvy skills and tactics to sell your service successfully. Hard work and perserverance in the long run will take off.

Tip 5. The hungrier the better. We are all animals. A good salesman knows what it's like to be full and what it is like to be hungry. Which one are you? Hopefully you want to get to the level when your are reasonably feeling full the majority of the time. But ever notice when one is hungry, what kinds of inner drives it all can produce? Sales people have a hungry mentality. They need to sell, based on their own working survival it is in their nature. Entrepreneurs face the same challenges. They are hungry in both ways. They need to sell their service to profit, they are both hungry to achieve this and at the same time need to get the rest of their business off the ground.

Tip 6. Personality. It's all about your personality, your attitude and your dimeanor that comes with it. If you want to be successful in this area you need to be well liked. If you can't pass the first impressions, which is so true that first impressions are everlasting then you by far cannot sell your product or service. When a company takes a liking to you they begin to take interest. And hooking the potential client to take an interest in what you offer is key. Naturally, thereafter you can pitch your idea, give them your reasons and then it is up to them to make the ultimate decision. This determines point blank either they like you and your service or they don't. Which would you prefer? So it is always best be on top of this and remember it's all about reading people and having stellar interpersonal skills. This is a key factor to potentially landing a new account.

Tip 7. I know as an entrepreneur you want to just run the business. You are thinking, I am not a salesman I am an entrepreneur and that's a big difference. Very true indeed and their is no arguement in that. But to be successful you need to be up to par with what goes on and you can't be ignorant to the fact that this is your business. You put all this time and energy to make it happen and you have gotten so far. It does not hurt, in fact it will benefit you a great deal to be knowledgeable as much as you can on every aspect of running a business. With sales being a key factor in determing your success of your biz, any entrepreneur can benefit on being a kick butt salesman as well successfully running his/her own company.

As an entrepreneur, you should research for yourself what you feel will help you in the sales department. Evaluate yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, gain some hands on experience working for a bit with a company in sales if you don't have a clue, talk with other successful sales professionals for their tips and advice, do some research on the internet, read up on sales trends and stay true to your entrepreneurial self at the same time. It's all for the best. In the meantime, the learning process is a fun one. You'll find yourself discovering things about you along the way, you will be more knowledgeable about the the art of selling and you will eventually learn to become a sharp selling individual. Apply this all to your business and the magic should be working in no time.

About the Author:
Jennifer Lynn is an ecommerce entrepreneur, artist, writer, and musician based in New York-Chicago.

She has written and contributed numerous articles online about adult entertainment, entrepreneurship, ecommerce, technology, pop culture, generation x, quarter life and city trends & news.

A highly creative entrepreneur with focus in web marketing, business development and ecommerce. Presently, she is involved in JMR, an online referral biz for artists in the entertainment industry. She also runs other ecommerce sites including an interactive entertainment hub and her own personal site.

Before startin' JMR, Jennifer Lynn was a tech recruiter with a Chicago based start-up company. She's also a professional pianist. Jennifer Lynn received her degree from De Paul University in liberal arts.

When she's not workin' away, you can find her lofting on a beach, into travel, and dabbling in new creative ventures with artists & entrepreneurs around town.

Jennifer Lynn believes passion in doing what ever it is you love to do is the key to one's personal success.