
Watch American Idol Or Go Out Of Business

Writen by Jimmy Vee

On the heels of the fifth season of Fox's Americana-mega-monster American Idol, small business owners have a huge opportunity to leverage Fox's fortune into their own and put big bucks into the bank in the process.

We are making a powerful plea to small business owners, Watch American Idol or go out of business.

In order for small business owners to garner maximum pull and penetration with their generally small marketing budgets, it is vitally important to enter into the conversation that is already going on inside your customers' heads.

It is much easier to sell a prospect if you are in sync with what they are already thinking and talking about. Plus, by tapping into their current thoughts and emotions your message will penetrate deeper and make a longer lasting and more powerful impact.

What does American Idol and small business have in common and how does that factor into the conversation that is currently going on?

Fox's blockbuster fifth season of American Idol is slated to reach some 27.5 million viewers. How many of these viewers are your prospects? Chances are a good number of them. Tying into media, news and pop culture events are a secret marketing hammer that small businesses can use for little cost to propel themselves into pseudo-local celebrity status. For instance, you can create ads, events and promotions that relate to your customers' existing thoughts. It's such a powerful tool, yet one that is far under-utilized by small businesses and entrepreneurs.

According to the US Small Business Administration, over 500,000 new small businesses are born each year. But as many as 50% fail in their very first year of life (http://tinyurl.com/cusne). According to Vee and Miller, these daunting figures are a direct consequence of the below-average marketing efforts employed by small businesses across the nation – and the fact that most marketing fails to connect with the intended target at a personal, emotional and relevant level.

Our recommendation for the salvation of any small business: The American Idol Phenomenon. By watching American Idol and other reality TV, you can be more in-tune with the pulse of the nation. Even if you don't like the crooning divas yourself, you can gain a marketing education worth millions by paying attention to pop culture.

Studies show that the American Idol audience (and the Reality TV audience in general) is not limited to the teen-age crowd. Members of almost every segment, age and demographic are partaking in the festivities offered by prime-time reality. It's consuming their thoughts and desires.

Paying attention to what your prospects are watching and thinking about is one strategy that small business owners can use for low- to no-cost that can really put substantial sales on the board and dollars in the bank.

Here are three no-cost and simple research tools that small business owners can use to tap into the conversations of their potential prospects in addition to watching reality TV:

1. Use the Google Press Center at http://www.google.com/zeitgeist. This site shows the top searches on google for the past week. These searches give you an immense insight into what is on people's minds right now.

2. Do a search on Amazon.com and see what books are at the top of the best sellers list. These titles may give you clues to hot buttons you can hit with your marketing. Often times book titles can be tweaked and used as potent headlines for your advertisements.

3. Do a search on eBay. eBay is the net's top marketplace with transactions totaling over $48 million dollars per day. Do a quick search. See what the top categories are and the hottest products being purchased. You can learn something from this information and use it to your marketing advantage. Perhaps a contest or give-a-way or a new market to get into.

If you are a small business owner, solo sales representative or marketing professional and are tired of doing the same old boring marketing that gets no results and wastes your precious time, energy and cash then scoot on over to http://www.GravitationalMarketing.com and join the herds of others who devour Jimmy Vee and Travis Miller's Mission Control Marketing Newsletter.

In addition to learning more about The American Idol Phenomenon you will discover other juicy bits of marketing insight that will enable you to naturally attract new customers quickly and effortlessly – like gravity pulls objects to earth. Vee and Miller also have a new DVD and e-book that reveal their secret methods of Gravitational Marketing and expose how your business can be sensational and become famous on a limited budget.

If you are a small business owner, solo sales representative or marketing professional and are tired of doing the same old boring marketing that gets no results and wastes your precious time, energy and cash then scoot on over to http://www.GravitationalMarketing.com and join the herds of others who devour Jimmy Vee and Travis Miller's Mission Control Marketing Newsletter.

You will discover other juicy bits of marketing insight that will enable you to naturally attract new customers quickly and effortlessly – like gravity pulls objects to earth. Vee and Miller also have a new DVD and e-book that reveal their secret methods of Gravitational Marketing and expose how your business can be sensational and become famous on a limited budget.