
Make More Money In Your Business Inject Some Fun

Writen by Wendy Hearn

The word fun doesn't belong in the same sentence as business and money, or does it? Well, although they don't often appear together, they need to, as fun is an important part of a business and therefore the profits produced. Too often, the striving to improve and grow your business, along with increasing the profits or even just making some money, means that fun is left on the backburner. Yet injecting fun into your business is one of the ways to increase profits. Not only does it increase profits, it makes the day-to-day running of your business easier and more enjoyable. We all want that, don't we?

Fun holds a different meaning for each of us as individuals, and in the world of business, I'm not suggesting that it means messing around and being silly so that your unprofessional. It is more about injecting a fun approach, and incorporating this fun and lighthearted approach into everything you do. So, what difference can taking a fun approach make? Well, it makes you more productive and less stressed. The culture and atmosphere of fun makes communication much easier. Take a minute now and think back to a time when your business was fun. I'm sure you found it easier to work, stayed motivated longer, and when problems arose you found it much easier to overcome them.

I've found that more people take a fun and lighthearted approach when they first start their business. But as time goes on, and the humdrum routine tasks need to be carried out and problems arose, the fun disappeared. So, perhaps now is the time, particularly if you're facing a lot of problems or want to grow your business and increase profits, to put some fun back into it.

There are many ways to put fun back into your business and the first step is choosing to be someone who has fun in their business. Once you've made this choice then you're free to discover what doing things in a fun way means for you. Now being fun is different for each of us as individuals, and may include setting outrageous goals that challenge us, adding some fun music or humour to the tasks that can sometimes be boring, and celebrating the successes. Too often when we've worked hard on a project or to achieve a goal, its the celebrating part of it that falls short. Of course there's many more ways to be fun and its your mission to find these. Some ideas are the humorous sticker to go on your computer, reminding you to 'just do it' as Nike says. Or a colourful wall chart with your goals laid out and blocks coloured in as you achieve them. And the smiley face just to remind you to smile when you're talking on the phone.

Often putting the fun back into your business is just the little things and it doesn't have to be the big day out, although they can be beneficial. So, I invite you to have a think about how you can put some fun back into your business. Perhaps brainstorm with friends or business colleagues. Even spend some time finding out from your clients how you can make their interactions with your business more enjoyable. You'll learn a lot from them along they way too. Achieving your goals and increasing your business profits is going to happen when you're more productive, relaxed and enthusiastic. Bringing some fun back into your business gives you this.

Wendy works with business owners to be more effective and successful, achieving a more profitable business in less time. Click through to her site http://www.business-personal-coaching.com and read more of Wendy's articles and about how business coaching can take your business to the next level.