Writen by Melanie McIntosh
I received an email recently that mentioned how difficult it is to create an inspiring display window at the end of a season.
Yes. It is difficult to come continually come up with new and inspiring ideas. Especially when you are not inspired yourself.
You're tired of the merchandise in your store that you have seen it every day for the past several weeks.You're disappointed that a product you anticipated would be a hot seller, is still sitting on the shelves.
You're frustrated by the dwindling product selection, making it difficult to create a dynamic display.
You're attitude is like a virus. You don't realize it, but your customers will catch it.
You need to be excited by what you sell.
As a retailer, that is what you do. Your job is to present merchandise in a way that inspires and attracts. You need to make each product in your store desirable. You need to infect shoppers with your enthusiasm.
1. Change your perception.
Do you see that product sitting on the shelf as a leftover that no one wanted? Or is it an undiscovered gem that is waiting to be found by the right person?
You need to make that gem shine. You need to find that person who is looking for what you have to offer.
2. Present the product well.
It may be that the merchandise hasn't sold because of the presentation. Create a dazzling display with complimentary merchandise, if you can. Of course, that is part of the problem to begin with. It is hard to find enough merchandise that looks good together when some of it has sold.
Maybe one product, featured on its own, can make a strong display. With great signage and great lighting it could work very well.
Instead of other merchandise, perhaps you can find props that would help tell a story with your product.
There are lots of options - the trick is to get creative. Which brings us to the next point.
3. Get inspired. Look for new ideas.
It's easy to get tired of dealing with the same space and merchandise day in and day out. It can get hard to come up with new ideas.
It's time for YOU to go out shopping. Shopping for ideas. Take a walk at lunch, or after work. Take a look at what other stores are doing. What is new and exciting? What colours are being used?
Browse some magazines. How are products arranged for ads? What trends are you seeing?
It is part of your job to stay in touch with what is happening around you. Really, that is what you are selling - not just a product, but an idea. You're selling a feeling, a mood that your product embodies.
You need to be inspired to inspire your customers.
4. Get something new. Fast.
When I worked in retail stores, I learned that one of the best things you can do to keep customers engaged is to always have something new arriving.
Don't just buy all your merchandise a few times a year. Keep a few new things coming in every few weeks. This is especially true for any kind of fashion merchandise.
5. Move the old stuff out.
You need to turn merchandise quickly. Product that hangs on the rack, or sits on the shelf, is money that could be re-invested in something new.
Put the merchandise in a prominent position. Mark it down. Create a sales contest or special promotion.
Just do whatever you have to do to move the old product out.
The worst thing you can do is to allow yourself to lose motivation at the end of the season. Don't just move the products you are tired of to a corner and forget about them.
Instead, get excited about what you have to offer. Your customers will sense it and feel the same. Better yet - throw a party and invite them to join you!"
Melanie McIntosh is a retail consultant and owner of Inspire Retail Solutions. She helps independent retailers who are struggling to attract customers because they need to improve their merchandising and visual identity. Is your store appearance actually turning customers away? Find out more here: http://www.inspire.bc.ca Subscribe FREE to Retail Tips http://www.inspire.bc.ca/RetailTips.html |
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