
Work Your Small Business Dream

Writen by Angela Booth

Nothing in life happens until you do something. Think, hope, plan, worry and ask as many questions as you like, but to reach your dreams you must take action and keep taking action.

Because I teach writing skills, I receive at least four e-mail messages a week with a variation of "I want to write for a living, but…."

Half the lovely people contacting me have made some writing sales; the other half are aspiring writers. What's amazing to me however, is that all of them know what to do. The aspiring and pro writers know how to get their work in front of editors, or if they're copywriters, they know that they have to market themselves.

BUT ---

There's always the "but".

They're still unsure.

I'm convinced that they imagine that there's a secret. Once they know what the secret is, everything will be magically clear to them, and they'll feel in control, knowing that at least $2K a week or more will keep rolling in. Then all they'll need to do is decide whether they'll vacation in the Bahamas or Tahiti this year.

There is a secret. Here it is in five words: GET STARTED, THEN KEEP GOING.

The poet Goethe said it better:

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

A famous novelist once said that writing a novel for him was like driving through the night with only the light of his headlights for guidance. However, what he could see in his headlights was more than enough for him to write his book.

The "Get Started Then Keep Going" secret applies not just to any small business, but to any dream you have. You're not given a map. How could you get a map? The world's changing every second. However, you're given a dream, and you're always given knowledge of one step you can take today. That's all you need.

Once you do something, things start to move you toward your dream, and they're always a surprise.

All you have to do is remember your dream, keep it constantly in mind, and then confidently (or with craven cowardice, it doesn't matter) do just one thing RIGHT NOW. And then do the next thing. And the next thing after that.

If you want to super-charge your movement to your dream, promise yourself that you'll do five things every day that will move you toward your dream.

=> Coping with your emotional roadblocks

Maybe you're too exhausted to move towards your dream. Constant exhaustion indicates an emotional energy leak. You can plug your leaks and get around your blocks.

Here are some common blocks and how to get around them:

Block One: Your expectations

You have a dream, and you think you know how it will evolve. You don't know. You can't know. All your expectations do is get in the way. Drop your expectations. Think about your dream, and get excited. The minute you start thinking that you know how your dream will evolve, just refocus on the dream again, and the next action you have to take.

Block Two: Envy and jealousy

Don't compare yourself with anyone else. If you truly knew all the details of the person's life you're busy envying, chances are you wouldn't want his life. Be grateful for everything you have.

Block Three: Taking on too much

You can have it all, but not all at once. If you're studying, raising three small children under five, and want to run a small business in your spare time, get real. Hold your dream until you finish your course and the kids are in school.

Block Four: Assuming

Ask, don't assume. You want to send out 100 direct mail letters, but ---- (fill in your assumption here).

Send out the letters if that's what you see in your headlights. Do it.

Block Five: Negative thought patterns

Negative thoughts are like weeds. They grow, until they choke the life out of your spirit.

Here's the good news: once you can spot a negative thought, the thought dies. It can't survive with your attention directly on it, because then you can challenge it. So when you spot a negative thought, smile. You're winning.

Just for today, give yourself a break and work your dream. What can you see in your headlights? Go and do it right now.

Here's another quote from Goethe to inspire you to action:

How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking, always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right away what you amount to.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

(Quotations from http://www.quotationspage.com/ )

Author of many books, including Making the Internet Work for Your Business, copywriter and journalist Angela Booth also writes copy for businesses large and small, and consults on search engine marketing. Angela has written copy for companies in many industries, ranging from technology and real estate to the jewellery trade. Her clients include major corporations like hp (Hewlett Packard), WestPac Bank, and Acer Computer. For copywriting services and marketing advice contact Angela at angelabooth.com