
Life Is Like An All You Can Eat Buffet

Writen by Ro Little

Have you seen the movie 'Forestt Gump' starring Tom Hanks?

Brilliant movie! I loved it. But there is just one point about the movie that really troubles me -- I believe Forestt Gump had it wrong. "Life is like a box of chocolates" he said. "You never know what you are gonna get!"

If this is true, then you never know what life is going to throw at you. Is your business going to succeed or fail? Are you going to get that new client or not?

You have to hope that you are biting into that chocolate that you wanted. And sometimes you get the yucky ones! But you don't know that until you had a bite already and then you already ate the extra calories!!

If life is like a box of chocolates, you never know if each day will be good or bad. You are NOT in control of your own life.

But I believe that you CAN control your life!

I prefer to think of life like an all you can eat buffet – because then you can pick and choose what you want out of life!! You can create whatever you want!

  • You can walk up and down the aisles, see what the buffet has to offer and then choose the dishes that you want.

  • You can have seconds, thirds, even fourths of anything you like!! It is totally bottomless!!

  • You are welcome to take as many platefuls as you want!

  • If you don't like something, you don't have to eat it!

  • You are welcome at this restaurant anytime!

  • Here's another thing – you can have your meals with whomever you choose!

  • And my favorite -- Take as much dessert as you want!!!!! There are absolutely no calories on the buffet of life!

When you really start to see your life like an all you can eat buffet, you will start to notice amazing things happening! You can control every aspect of your life. Walk up the aisles of the buffet (life), decide what you want, and then go get it! Bon Appetite!

How can we apply this to our business?

  • Know what you want

  • Set goals and be crystal clear on them!

  • Know, with absolute certainty, that you CAN have anything you desire! It is as easy as putting the food on your plate at the buffet!

  • Don't be afraid to go after what you want. You are in the driver's seat!

  • You can have anything and be anything that you want. But it is up to you to make it happen. Don't wait for someone else to fill your plate. Go on up to the buffet and take what is rightfully yours!

  • Don't waste your time with things that are not going your way. Just switch plates and stick to the positive.

  • Above all else…enjoy your life and all your successes!

Ro Little is a wife, mother of 2, and a successful home business owner. She dedicates herself to sharing the strategies of building a successful home business. Come learn how to grow your business! Check out http://www.Home-Business-Success-Strategies.com.