Writen by Tim Stokes
The one thing very few people in the world would realise, if they didn't have it explained to them because its...
Habits and pre-conceived ideas.
We're all creatures of habits and what's more, we can't change easily change our habits.
Most people in business are doomed to fail. Doomed to be mediocre not have a high income and a great lifestyle, right from the time they started.
That's because they have pre-conceived ideas about life and business that won't easily be changed.
How many business owners have realised that every business on the planet involves dealing with people and that means they really need to study human behaviour, personality profiles, psychology, how to influence people, or at least emotional needs of people?
I'll tell you. Virtually none.
Very few think it's that important. This is their pre-conceived idea.
Can you have a business without people? No impossible. Can you have a business that will work without any time input of your own without hiring other people? No impossible. Can you have a business without doing any form of marketing? No impossible.
And all of these areas benefit unbelievably well with training to do with people. By that I mean understanding people at a much, much deeper level so that you know how to use 5-10 word to peak a customers interest to buy from your well written marketing. Or potential customers on the phone decide to buy because you said a few carefully chosen words. Or you understand people so well you can almost instantly pick a great potential employee from one who won't care about your business and be a poor performer.
There isn't an area of business that doesn't benefit from intimate understanding of people and how they react and behave in buying or workplace situations.
When business owners start a business they have a pre-conceived idea they have to work hard and so they do. This pre-conceived idea is so ingrained into their thinking they feel guilty if they aren't at work every hour of its operation.
Business owners are ordinary people, but without changing their habits and pre-conceived ideas they will never succeed at a very high level.
Look at it another way
business growth is about change. For something to grow it must by definition change. However a business is really people but people resist change, in fact most people are terrified of it. And because they fear it, they can't do change.
People worry about finances, lack of cash in the bank, trusting their employees, but still do nothing to solve the problem they know they have.
So what can be done?
How can you, a small business owner, change your way of thinking and embrace change, change your habits, do something differently and allow your business to grow, by growing yourself?
There is one way and only one way.
You need to develop yourself personally. Yes, personal growth.
Personal growth is not something you do once because you read a few books. Personal growth is one thing...
The removal of fear. The more personal growth you do, the more fear you remove.
Do you know what the biggest fear is that people have?
Surveys and research says its fear of public speaking. But public speaking is really the basis of another greater fear, the essence of public speaking, which is a fear of what other people think of YOU and your actions.
If you have a fear of what other people think, it will absolutely stop you from doing things that will seem uncommon or unpopular to those around you. Fear will stop you from changing your own habits of success and failure.
Unfortunately to do something different means to change and change incurs other people noticing and with other people noticing, comes other people's thoughts and opinions and hence the dilemma.
So yes, personal growth is your solution to overcome learned fears so you can become an individual, instead of someone who runs their life and business based on fitting in with the consensus of opinion of those around them.
Want some examples of what I mean?
How about this, do you read books on business, on sales, marketing, success principles, team training and management? If not why not?
Education is the only thing that stands in the way of extreme profits and a business that can work without you needing to be there every hour. There are people who can help you to do this and overcome every conceivable challenges you have that prevents you from enjoying this, but will you let them help you? Will you seek them out willingly or will you use scepticism to prevent that happening while you put up with your challenges indefinitely?
There are thousands of businesses running in the country and world where the business owner doesn't turn up at all, so if you work every hour of its operation why do you?
Is it because you believe no one can do your work as good as you, or you think you have to be there, or you can't trust someone else? All of these pre-conceived ideas are based on a lack of knowledge, which is the cause of all fears.
Again let me say, all business success comes down to one thing. Personal growth. After meeting thousands of business owners, seeing many hundreds come through my seminars and working one on one personally with many dozens the proof is overwhelming that personal growth is what everyone in business needs far more than any other thing.
Fear is what prevents people changing habits. Habits and discipline are what make people successful, long before they acquire the knowledge. If you want success, how much are you willing to change and what fears are standing in the way of your success?
that's the magic question!
Tim Stokes is a master at increasing business growth rapidly, because he removes the fear of the unknown within a business. To find out more about Tim and his sensational results, equal to anyone elses in the world, go to his website at http://www.bbms.com.au.